Monday, August 23, 2010

Assasin's Greed: When Slade met Wade

Deadpool vs Deathstroke

Deathstroke, one of the most feared men in the DC Universe. Master tactician and strategist. Able to defeat the entire Justice League. Enhanced, battle hardened solider of a thousand battles

Deadpool. Mercenary with a mouth. Able to defeat scores of clowns and others. Once eat 1500 chimichangas? Continually breaks the fouth wall and seduces the hottest Golden Gir….wait…this isn’t what I wrote? Did Wade come in here and rewrite this? This isn’t even correct grammer! What the…purveyor of womens…I’m not even going to read this

Both are ruthless respected mercenaries. Both are brutal masters of fighting styles but only one can be…THE DEADLIEST HERO!!!

The weigh in:

Height: 6’2
Weight: 210 lbs.

Height: 6’4
Weight: 225 lbs

Straight up physical stats seem to favor Deathstroke.

Advantage: Deathstroke

But these don’t make the final ruling here at…the DEADLIEST HERO

Slade is enhanced due to a military procedure making him almost superhuman.
Enhanced Mind: Able to utilize 90% of his brain's potential capacity for information processing and sorting, Deathstroke's mind is virtually a computer built for strategy and problem-solving, one that works at optimal ability even when under stress and fatigue. Using his superior problem-solving skills, Deathstroke can work out a battle ahead of time for many possibilities and predict enemy movements and tactics after the battle has engaged by recalling and utilizing memorized mannerisms acquired through past experience on a moment's notice. He is also ingenious in devising solutions against superior aspects of opponents, can observe and exploit, and can calculate distance, speed, and time at lightning speeds; his sense of timing is superb, bordering on perfection.
Enhanced Reflexes: Deathstroke possesses instantaneous reflexes. The speed at which he reacts allows him to dodge fast-moving projectiles such as arrows and bullets
Enhanced Strength: His entire muscular system was hardened and strengthened, allowing Deathstroke to be as strong as 10 men.
Enhanced Stamina: Deathstroke can exert himself at peak capacity greater then any athlete.
Enhanced Speed: Ability to run at speeds of up to 30mph and long distances far out-performing any Olympic athlete.
Enhanced Senses: Deathstroke's senses have been augmented to higher levels of ability. He can hear, see, and smell things better than a normal human.
Regenerative Healing Factor: With an enhanced ability to heal damaged tissue, the rate at which Deathstroke's body recovers from injury and capable of being repaired before death. As such, Deathstroke's body can take a tremendous amount of punishment before succumbing to death. Simple gunshot and stab wounds, cuts, and broken bones can heal faster then normal.
Enhanced Immunity: Deathstroke's regenerative abilities have some affect on his body's ability to process through harmful, foreign substances and he has become naturally immune to deadly poisons and illnesses.
Retard Aging: An important aspect to note is that while Deathstroke is apparently aging, he does so very slowly, appearing younger than he actually is. One revival actually caused a reversal of age, however, this has yet to be seen again and the affects were eventually reversed by another return from death.

Useless Knowledge: Deadpool’s mind, addled with psychosis, is highly functional as a combatant. His randomness is often turned into a improvised style that is hard to emulate. When fighting against fellow mercenary Taskmaster, who can perfectly imitate any physical movement he sees, had a difficult time emulating Deadpool’s fighting style, stating that it’s too chaotic and improvised to copy. However Deadpool’s mind is also filled with a unusually large array of pornographic knock knock jokes.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Deadpool is able to heal injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, and severe burns within moments. His healing factor is developed to the point that he can regrow missing limbs and organs. His head can be reattached using this ability, but has to be placed in the proper place[27]. As Deadpool had cancer at the time of the gene therapy which endowed him with these abilities, it bound to the "healing factor" so that in a sense the cancer is his healing factor, which is why his skin is still horribly scarred. Unlike Wolverine’s natural healing factor, Deadpool’s is mentally driven to a partial extent.
Foreign Chemical Resistance: Deadpool's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. For example, it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for him to become intoxicated (Blind Al made several references to Deadpool being hungover since he once drunkenly spoke to the Telletubbies on the TV he was watching). He can, however, be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, if he is exposed to a massive enough dosage.
Disease Immunity: The unique regenerative qualities of Deadpool's healing factor also extends to his Immune System, rendering him immune to the effects of all known diseases and infections.
Extended Longevity: Deadpool's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process to an unknown degree. His life span is extended to such a degree, that an alternate reality version of him was alive and still in business as Deadpool 800 years in the future[28]. Deadpool has established a relationship with the personification of Death and as a result has been cursed by T-Ray, to be unable to die[citation needed].
Telepathic Immunity: The healing factor causes his brain cells to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering him immune to psychics such as Professor X and Emma Frost.
Peak human Strength: Deadpool possesses great, though not unnatural, physical strength. However, he does have at least the strength of an Olympic level weightlifter. He is capable of lifting at least 420 lbs but no more than 800 lbs.
Superhuman Stamina: Deadpool's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several days fatigue begins to impair him.
Superhuman Agility: Deadpool's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are similarly enhanced, superior to those of even the finest human athlete.
Advantage: Tie

Both Wilsons are equally matched through genetics or cybernetic enhancements. I would say initially the advantage was with Deathstroke’s ability to plan a hundred moves ahead but a hundred moves ahead with Deadpool could be mind numbing since he’s too damn unpredictable. Once Wolverine had to come to Deadpool to come up with a plan to trick Romulus since he needed someone who thought outside of the box. WAAYY outside of the box. So far outside of the box that it turned into a parallelogram. Wade is the ultimate loose cannon. Also coupled with Deadpool’s ability to constantly talk a person to death can be distracting even to a master manipulator like Slade. So it’s really anyone’s damn game thanks to the magic of randomness. And look at the damn physical abilities. They’re both just too damn equal on every front. It’s like they’re twins in the way that Deadpool is a rip off of Deathstroke.

Masterful Tactician: Slade is most likely the greatest strategist and tactician on the planet always calculating his opponents moves before hand he even single handedly defeated the entire JLA roster except for green arrow. He has been compared to batman in terms of tactical methods. Even against metahumans he has proved more than a match for them all at once with time to prepare.
Skilled Martial Artist: Trained in hand-to-hand combat. While Slade was in the Army, he received Martial Arts training through Boxing, Ju-Jitsu and Karate. After mastering these Martial arts He furthered his studies when he seeked an assassin known as Natas to train him in the ways of the Ninja and Assassination techniques after this he became the man known as Deathstroke. His physical prowess is so great that he fought Batman to a near standstill and Batman only defeated him during the Infinite Crisis storyline when he had the help of Nightwing and Robin.

Deadpool is an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and is a master in multiple unarmed combat techniques such as taekwondo, hapkido, tangsoodo, shaolin kung-fu, wingchun, kendo, ninjitsu, and ju-jutsu. He has been shown fighting such amazingly skilled fighters as Wolverine and Taskmaster and even defeating them in hand to hand combat[30]. This shows that Deadpool himself is among the most skilled fighters in the Marvel universe. He is a master of assassination techniques, is a master marksman, and is highly skilled with bladed weapons (frequently carrying two swords strapped to his back), and a number of other weapons. He is fluent in Japanese, German, Spanish, amongst other languages. The X-Man Gambit offered to pay Deadpool one million dollars rather than fight him. Gambit stated that fighting Deadpool is tantamount to suicide.

Advantage: Tie

Ok…getting tired of saying it’s a tie since both are completely even. I mean look at them. It’s like a martial artist vs. a martial artist monkey who’s on a suger high and can talk..incessantly. Deadpool’s style has even outsmarted many intelligent tactians in the Marvel universe. But considering many aren’t as tactful in tactics such as Batman or Deathstroke, it would still be interesting to see who would come out on top. Again…too evenly matched and whatever the other has, the other has a counter to it.

Strength level
Enhanced. His strength was likened to having the 'strength of ten men.' Able to press lift around 800 lbs.

Deadpool possesses great, though not unnatural, physical strength. He does possesss the strength of an Olympic level weightliftier. While the exact amount of weight he can lift isn't known, he is able to lift at least 420 lbs. but no more than 800 lbs

Advantage: Tie

Both can lift 800 lbs. It’s pretty obvious that at arm wrestling they’d be dead even. Now if it was a chimichanga eating contest, then Deadpool would be king.

Deathstroke's helmet and armor are lined with kevlar and later prometheum mesh, making it incredibly resistant to conventional injury. Amongst other things, Deathstroke has been shown to carry a specially designed multi-million dollar flash-bomb capable of incapacitating the entire Justice League, including Superman, although only long enough for him to make an escape.[6]
Various Firearms
A Promethium Sword
Power Staff

Deadpool has utilized different teleportation devices to whisk him out of (and occasionally into) danger, as well as a holographic image inducer that he can use to disguise his true appearance as necessary.

Teleportation Device. Deadpool was able to 'bodyslide' to where ever Cable is present, through Providence. At different periods Deadpool has possessed different Teleportation technologies.

Deadpool employs any number of weapons depending on his current assignment. Most often, Deadpool uses guns, grenades, sais, knives, and katanas. Wade can use any weapon known to man and learn how to use the weapon in less than 5 minutes. Wade is mainly seen using a gun.

Advantage: Tie

Great Gobs of Gogert. This is one for the ages. I almost said Deathstroke due to his armor being harder than day old gum (and knowing Wade, he’d probably dress up in day old gum…or this)

But they’re even because of Wade’s healing factor, which can even beat Wolverines. So whatever punishment that can be and will be delivered, is again...even. True Deathstroke has an enhanced healing factor but Deadpool’s head been cut off MULTIPLE times. More times than Lohan has been to rehab AND jail. And with Deathstroke wearing armor, it’s about even.


Assasins Greed:

Slade meets Wade. Dead vs. Death. Stroke in the Pool. With a captured and sedated Robert Reynolds being brought to STAR Labs for testing in the medical wing, Deathstroke is dispatched to infiltrate STAR LABS and kill the Sentry by a private benefactor, and to garner a blood sample for cloning as well as his brain so that they maybe probe it for any useful information. As he easily dispatches the military style security, he makes his way to the hospital room of the Sentry. Taking out his MP5 sub machine gun, Slade opens the door to find a certain Merc with a mouth has already beat him to the punch.

It turns out that SHIELD is also concerned with the Sentry’s knowledge of SHEILD’s facilities and identities and weaknesses of its heroes in the Marvel Universe that Deadpool is dispatched to retrieve the Sentry alive if he can. Or at least kill the Sentry and retrieve or destroy Robert’s head.
Alarmed that someone else has entered the fray and is trying to kill Reynolds before he can, Slade quickly shots the gun out of Deadpool’s hands shooting through it and quickly going for the kill by unleashing all the lead against the Sentry but Deadpool jumps in front of the bullets, receiving a dozen kisses of hot lead as he falls back in a bloody heap onto of Reynold’s unconscious form. “Ss…so…who does your…outfits..? Men’s tall and crazy?” asked Deadpool as his body begins to quickly stitch itself back together.
“I’ll mark it on your tombstone.” Responded Deathstroke as he aims the gun at Wades head and pulls the trigger to fire his last bullet.
After his victory over his fallen enemy, Deathstroke reloads his gun and takes out his katana and aims it as Robert’s neck and raises the weapon into the air for a clean cut. But at the last moment Deadpool grabs Deathstroke’s wrists, which stuns the experienced assassin since the damage to Deadpool should’ve incapacitated him…and the bullet to the head should’ve killed him.

Deadpool wrestles with Deathstroke as the crash outside of the hospital room and in the halls. Slade manages to push Deadpool off but before he even turns around, Deadpool is already ready with his own katana.

“Ah ha!” I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!! Luke I am your father!!” yells Wade as he rushes into battle. They began to match blades as Deathstroke does not give his full effort in the fight, but rather he tries to feel out Deadpool’s skill level. Deadpool sensing this, continues with his fine banter: “Even though you came 11 years before me, I’m still WAAYY cooler. Come on pal. I beat copyright infringement laws and crap out gay rights amendments.”
“Do you EVER shut up?” respondes Deathstroke
“Only in movies where they deviate from the source material!”
The fight is fast and furious as Deathstroke begins to see that they are evenly matched in skills. Every blow landed is returned in kind a move later as they share injuries. They both notice that the other isn’t tiring out so Deathstrokes mind begins to furiously calculate the options that Deadpool may use. Meanwhile Deadpool wonders what it would be like to kill the Trix rabbit

Suddenly Deathstroke’s sword arrives as the more superior weapon as his steel is stronger, which is proven when he breaks Wade’s sword in two but the merc with the mouth is far from helpless as he breaks out his escrima sticks and kicks Deathstroke through a nearby window.
“Although your schwartz is bigger, your choice in colors for the costume are still lame. The only place where you can blend in is at a carnival…for the retarded and blind.”
“OH MY GOD!! CAN YOU STOP TALKING!!” responded Slade as he becomes momentarily distracted. Wade uses the moment to disarm him in a kung fu style exchange as he takes Slade’s sword away from him.
Then that is when the battle switched over to guns. Although the fight began to wear on both combatants as they began to get tired, which was 4 hours later and a lot of bullets and explosives. But Slade began to tire mentally since Deadpool was difficult to predict and that his anger began to best of him as Deadpool kept taunting him over and over again and incessantly talking while challenging him to an eating contest to see who can devour the most chimichangas. Coupled with the fact that he became incredibly frustrated that he can’t kill Deadpool after landing several killing blows, Slade’s mind begins to go become less and less focused until he made a mistake when Deadpool sprayed a bottle of ketchup into his good eye. Then it was followed up with a good stab to the gut and a kick over a ledge. Wade peered over to see the broken body of Slade Wilson laying prone in a broken manner after landing on a edge of a trashcan with his body.
“DEADPOOL WINS!” He yelled triumphantly. “Fatality” Now satisfied with the victory, Deadpool goes to get the Sentry but the local police and several of the DC Heroes have come to protect STAR Labs and begin hunting for both himself and Slade Wilson. Seeing that he’s in no shape to fight and that he’s out of weapons and ammo, Deadpool reports back into SHIELD command and tells them the status of the mission but he is told to return to base and that he will still be paid.
Deadpool figures that as long as he is getting paid he must be some SHIELD distraction or a plan B is going on. So he returns to base for some well deserved tacos. Meanwhile, Deathstroke hobbles away into the sewers, injured and broken and swearing vengeance against the merc with the mouth.


AAHHHH BOOIII!! The match was close and after careful examination and thought, it’d have to be Wade. Both are very equally matched but the one thing that Slade isn’t quite as good at as Wade is improvisation. Slade is like Batman where he plans 20 moves in advance. And although he can improvise, he can’t quite think outside the box like Wade. But that’s only a slight advantage that Deadpool had. The biggest advantage is put eloquently by his former teammate Domino:
“I always forget (or just block out to spare myself the agony) what Wilson's most lethal weapon is... his mouth! He'll talk nonsense until you surrender or commit suicide.” –Domino

So with that one weapon, Wade in a straight even match up can beat and torture him into submission. Slade has been known to lose his temper when Green Arrow stabbed him in his empty eye socket which allowed the rest of the league to recover and beat him. Also in an annual special of Batman/Superman, Deathstroke fought against a counterpart of himself from an alternate dimension who was really much like Deadpool. That fight also showed that Deathstroke had a temper and grew incredibly frustrated since he could not kill him either.

With that, we show that Deadpool won this round of the DEADLIEST HERO. Although both these guys aren’t heroes. Next up:

Round 3: Ms. Marvel vs. Ms. Marvel: Booty to Marvelicious for ya babe!!!

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