Monday, August 2, 2010

Ok. I’m back in black now. I’m back on here with a new sense of me, a new laptop (thanks mom. A new Samsung R530 with duel Intel processors…woo hoo!) and new blogs. And also a new injury which prevents me from working out as hard as I usually do. And well…also some much prodding from Justin to have my own blog. So here I am, ready to rock you like a hurricane and by that I mean come to your town and toss little toy cars and bits of sticks and leaves at you. Honestly surprised I have someone else besides Josh reading this. Honestly surprised this thing is still up. I mean 2008? Whoa. I need to update this bitch more. It’s like a pet I forgot but is still alive today somehow and still greets me with open arms….albeit rotting arms. So upcoming projects which will be coming soon….

The Deadliest Warrior (comics).
A look at DC’s top heroes taking on Marvels top heroes just like that crappy show that comes on Spike. This’ll be a bit long since a lot of the comic characters have a ton of powers I have to read through but I promise I’ll be putting those up soon.

Reviews, reviews, reviews!!!
Everything from fast food reviews (which I sacrifice my body for) and adding comic book reviews, video games (and not just new or upcoming games, I’m talking about old school games that I never played or are just too weird for consoles), movie reviews, fitness crap and other stuff that crosses my path these days.

I Like Me
This’ll just be random crap about what’s going on with me. True it’s not as awesome as Ms. Alexis Diller’s life (check her out) on my blog subscriptions. Also hire her for photos and projects. Also tell her to give me money if you hire her.

Just regular ass ranting.

So to the two people that actually read my blog….thanks….and be on the look out.


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