Friday, August 20, 2010

Prop Late

Since everyone and there mama is weighing down on Prop. 8, I guess it’s my turn because I do have a mouth repping the Merc with the mouth. SOOOOOOO….what’s wrong with gayness? I mean if you are really against gays…then you’re probably gay (at least curious yourself). If you care too much about gays then you’re probably gay (or at least experimented) yourself. IF you care nothing about it, then congrats, you aren’t gay cause you’re smack dab in the middle of that three some. Hot huh? But seriously if you’re going to invoke the marriage is a sacred thing or the religious God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve argument, they’re really fucking flawed. The sanctity of marriage is a joke. Serious as Wyclef Running for office. He’s what? He’s really running? Crap.
But the marriage thing….can’t be taken seriously in this day and age. I mean you have shows like the bachelor, bachelorette, who dating in the dark, dating in the light, blind date, sight date, Flavor of love, Strange love, club the one you love (which I will soon pitch to a network and will come to you!!!), the Marriage Ref and a ton a ton a ton a ton a other shows cramming the idea that marriage is sacred in the minds of the public. In fact, fucking media portrayals of marriage have become a fun house mirror. Marriage is as sacred as this damn zombie craze.. Getting married is of course a fucking serious deal but it’s not the end all be all of the human experience. With the divorce rate in the country, it should be HARDER to get married (but not for the gays since well….it’s what the blog is about). People have this lovey dovey, illogical idea of love and marriage and that people don’t know how to deal with crap that come up in relationships. It’s an overated institution but also a worthwhile one as well if one can learn to navigate it properly. Like relgiion, it can be a beautiful thing that unites people, gives comfort and on occasion makes for hilarious hijinks to occur. Don't believe me? Ever seen drunk alter boys? What I mean is ever see ME as an alter boy?
And God making man and woman and that's who should be togeher? You think that the creator of the universe is someone you can speak for? Love is fucking complicated and beautiful enough and I mean sure you can quote a ton of passages from the fucking bible condemning it but doesn’t the bible also have that passage that says not to eat shrimp? Leviticus 11:9-12. God considers anything without fins an abomination and that you shouldn’t eat it! Potatoes are the devils poop and shrimp are the devils crabs!!! Ok i just grossed myself out. Crawfish, lobsters, clams, eels, and fucking anything else is to be hated and loathed in all it's delcious and filling glory!!!! Death to Red Lobster!!! Burn Long John Silver!! Shimp salad? You better get it ice cold because the FIRES OF HELL ARE HOT!!! BUBBA DIED FOR YOUR SINS!!!

Seriously, the bible says some wacky shit on occasion. In fact all relgisions say some wayward weird crap. Jew? Don't eat pork. Hindus? Don't eat cows. Muslims? I don't know what they can't but I'm sure it's delicious. Pastafarianism? Don't eat people. (I just made that up but you really shoudln't eat people...unless you've returned from the dead, in which Jesus has) All the religious books do. Is it a bad book? NO! Is it something we should ignore? NO! It has a lot of valid points as well. YES! You know, those about LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR or feed the poor, give Michael money and crap like that. I don’t think Jesus would join you in beating and lynching gays or lesbians. If he didn't beat up the whore of Babylon, then chances are he ain't gonna be down with your sickness. If he does then that’s one pissed of Son of God. Also you’re basing your beliefs on a book that has been written centuries ago and then RE-written during those centuries so you can’t really claim EVERYTHING in the bible can pertain to today or be completely acurate in that it's the WORD of God. Everything changes and evolves. Again, bible, good book, can help and comfort those who need it but….don’t take EVERYTHING in the damn thing seriously. I mean the way it was written is open to the writer don’t cha think? I mean play a game of telephone and it’s hard enough to fucking get that right, but on a cosmic scale? Woo! And you think your God is so great….

Also the other thing is family values. Good ol American family values. If you believe in family values, then help those to gain tolerance and understanding. Help the divorce rate go lower. Have a functional family yourself! Don't beat your wife, beat your kids!! Especially in the candy store or air plane where I'm trying to get some sleep and eat my meal carb happy over priced meal in peace. Family values changes as well. Actaully, times change, family values are like the crap about peace love and understanding.

It blows my mind that in this day and age people want to go back to outdated ways. Times back then werne't any better. Andy Griffith had it easy since Opie wasn't downloading oiled up lizard porn while killing enemy soldiers on XBOX live at the age of six. It's lazy and it's not addressing any problems. Saying you want to go back to the way things were won’t change the way things are now. The way things were, were also pretty fucked up. Just not as much in the open as it is today. IN fact, shit is BETTER understood today because we have incessantly analyzed shit to DEATH in this day and age. And if you want to bring American family values into it, then you cannot deny the freedoms that are given to every American. It’s discrimination plain and simple. I mean it’s just handy cause it’s the one thing that every ethnicity has so you can’t call it racist, but you can call it discrimination still. It still quacks like a fucking duck, a gay duck but still a duck.
Sure you guys might be weirded out by the whole gay thing. Sure some of the women are really butch and some of the guys are really flamboyant and irksomly annoying (yet entertaining from afar) for being so gay, but who really the fuck cares? Don’t like it, don’t pay attention to it. They’re not really hurting you and really if you’re afraid your kid is going to go gay, then really there isn't anything you can do about it, you like what you like. That’s it. Gay gene? Well I knew that guy in high school and…oh…the actual genetic….heh…maybe but does it really matter? Does it? I mean we have a shitty economy that can benefit from some new business from the gays and it’s a step for equality for all. Isn’t that more important? And if you don’t want to serve gays, then it’s your call as a business owner.

Bottom line, it doesn’t just come down to orientation. It comes down to money and image. Money because domestic partnerships aren’t recognized so when a person dies, a 401K, property and others go to the state and not the partner so gays get shafted (heh) again. So it’s really more about that. Also, Americans don’t want to be viewed as weak. Puritanical foundations of this country kinda lead to that since gays are just viewed as a lesser way of living (sarcasm!!)
So out of analyzing both sides, cause I’m down like that, I really can’t find an argument against letting gays get married. It’s seriously an outmoded, out dated notion and that it’d just be better if we let people be people. Now if you want to hate on someone, hate on the shitty writing over at Marvel for some of it’s comics, like physical injuries, can nag you, which you need to go to the Movement Enhancement Project blog to help you out on.

So the Pudding Bordello would vote yes on the whole gay marriage thing. Let them be as miserable as the rest of us. Seriosuly, I really can't think of a good reason NOT to let them get married. I mean if you don't like it fine, just don't stop others who like it from doing it. It's there right to do so

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