Friday, August 13, 2010

A Rose By Any Other Name...

The following is a conversation on Sunday during a deliriously sleep deprived, fast food fueled moment inside a moving van. The identities have been altered to preserve the integrity of this conversation.

Cashew Cluster:…and she’s a whore. Like a huge whore. There are lots of people
Me (AKA SEX MACHINE) Whoa wait. Actual whores?
CC: Yea. She like totally has sex with anybody. A different guy every day and she brags about it.
Sex Machine: So she doesn’t get paid?
CC: No.
Sex Machine: Then she’s a slut. A whore will have sex for money. A slut just gives it out for free. A whore provides a valuble community service and gets something in return. A slut…also gives out a community service but they don’t get paid.
CC: So a whore is better because they make money.
Sex Machine: Yea. So she’s a slut.
CC: Yup. She’s a slut.

This is Michael with a following public service announcement. Although the word “whore” sounds much harsher and more terrible, the word slut is worse because the slut gets nothing out of it other than sexual pleasure and the walk of shame in the morning. A whore however gets paid quite well at times and does make a living, helping to further stimulate this floundering yet rebounding economy. Yes the slut does help the economy since a man must put some minor effort or buying them copious amounts of drugs and/or alcohol, but they don't provide enough of a return. However both are bad to be called. Unless you’re a guy. Then it’s ALLLLL GOOOOODDDDD!! HIGH FIVE! GIGGITY! So remember to use your terminology correctly. So don't call a slut a whore or a whore a slut.

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