Monday, December 20, 2010

While you were out...

You know, you do one crime across international borders and they don't take it lightly.  I mean how am I supposed to know that if I try to....oh's not worth it.  Let's just say Mexican Jails along with Icelandic Justice system are too complicated that they just convict me by calling me a warlock and trying to burn me at the stake.  Also they called me a drug dealer but I swear it's not my drugs.  How was I supposed to know I was selling to a narc?

They Don't Fuck Around in Iceland

Plus they tack on other misconstrewed charges


Cocaine's a hell of a drug
For the last time.  I was HIGH when I did that.  Can't people understand that?  And why won't you call me back Josh?  But while I was away you few believers actually clicked on websites and got me money.  I mean not enough for bail or anything but I could at least make a phone call JOSH who never picked up.  On top of that I got a new subscriber.  Which brings the total up to a lucky seven.  SEVEN JOSH!  THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I CALLED YOU BEFORE SHOWER TIME!!  DO YOU KONW WHAT SHOWER TIME IS LIKE IN A MEXICAN JAIL????!!  THEY DON'T SHOWER YOU WITH WATER!! 

But I did manage to get some education credentials while I was in.  Take that expensive student loans.  Anyway.  I'm back.  Huzzah

I am SO an accredited Doctor from Hollywood Upstaris Medic...oh. 
Dr. MARIO.  Not Micha...never mind.

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