Friday, August 13, 2010

Manifest Sextiny

If I said the name Princess Leia Organa you’re going to think two things. Honey bun hair. Metal Slave Bikini. Now I don’t care who you are, jock, nerd, rock star, teacher, every red blooded male in the world had their first dirty thought in watching Return of the Jedi, on that fateful sandbarge in the Tatooine desert over the pit of Sarlac. Actually a couple of minutes earlier then that because well….that was just hot and unexpected. Now I could gointo some theory about mysoginism and that men really want to quell a wild woman into a subservient slave, but in reality, it’s just hot and it becamse…the greatest, cosplay costume….EVAR! I know Star Wars links to everything else in life through philosophy, action and well general geekdom, but it’s the Leia costume that has the biggest impact.

I mean the character isn’t sexy enough already. She’s a princess who appeals to both sexes (women wanting to be one, men wanting to sleep with one), she’s a spitfire (again appeals to those who girls who don’t want to be treated like a princess and for men who want to sleep with one), able to hold her own with the boys (appeals to women who want to be strong and men who want to sleep with one) and keeps her femininity, strength and sexuality since she killed Jabba in the slave outfit and helped to rescue the boys (again….same reason as before). THEN take the name Organa. Kinda sounds like orgasm. Princess Orgasm. Who doesn’t love that? So Leia, probably the ultimate incarnation of geek chic sexy, who brought it back before it was even gone. Manifest Sextiny at it’s finest!

But getting back to the Slave Leia costume, it’s the best costume ever since it’s a perfect match of sexy but borderline slutty with a strong enough hint of the exotic that any girl would love to do it. No convention is complete with out it. And I'd go so far to say that the new trilogy (Ep.s 1 through 3) basically sucked because of a lack of a metal bikini. Sure cool lightsaber battle but fuck that if there ain't nothing sexy about it. A good movie will have all aspects for all fans. It'll be funny, full of action, then popping with wit and most importantly, sexy dames and plenty of em.

With this addition, cons are cool. ons are hot. Geek parties aren't so bad at all now are they?

Next this'll bring me on the upcoming entry on comic con costumes. Because who doesn't love those?

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