Friday, January 7, 2011


Ok so I've noticed one trend here.  One consistent thing on this blog you few believers love and that's the Flash.  Don't get me wrong.  I like Bar-Wal-Jay-Bar too.  In all his incarnations, I've been a Flash fan.  I even gots a Flash figure.  He was even my favorite character from the Justice League (save for Batman cause you know, it's the goddamn Batman) and always I have hope of someday beginning to run so fast the I enter the Speed Force.  But until that day, I've still confounded because the review on Flash: Rebirth is the one entry that gets the most hits. 

This month alone it's gotten 126 hits.  All time stats rounding at 682 hits (now 683) and climbing.  You see, I'm confuzzleated because I'll put random shit on tags from Kim Kardashian all the way to Prune shoes, all these things I've written on.  Except Prune shoes but that does not matter.  What matters is for me to get how that one entry garners so much attention while the others have so little even though they are popular search phrases. 

Unless you guys are being assholes and laughing at my work.  Or praising it as the height of comic bookery review, basking in the glory as beautiful women make shrines to me as Jerry Bruckheimer makes a 3D movie about my life due to the awesomeness of the blog, which then stars me, about me.  That then goes on to win an Oscar in best picture, Actor (me), supporting actor (me again, I'm that awesome) and cinematography (not me but that swiss guy can really do magic with lights)

I'd like to thank the Academy, my mom, baby Jesus,
Optimus Prime for dying for our sins

Now I'm not complaining.  I'm not.  But I just wonder why that gets so many hits.  The next up is the list of the 2000 worst foods for you. That's not far behind with 633 hits.  Everything else falls behind drastically.  Is this the end of times?  Is the seven headed dragon I call Pufflesnout from the bible going to rise up and eat each continent?  What is the purpose of my life?  Will I ever find someone?  The questions in life never seems to cease. 

How DO they fit all the junk inside that trunk?


Should I just give up ol Wade and put on the scarlet and lightening?  Can I settle for the rugged good looks of the midwest boy and the charm of the slightly dangerous but down to earth blue collar charm of Central City?

How I do my best thinking.  Doctors call it ADHD

Fuck no. DP pics are waaayyy more entertaining the the McSpeedy. But as always, I'm just happy someone is reading.  So thanks to all of you (unless you're all mocking me, then you guys are dicks and I hate you) for reading.  I really really appreciate that some guys in France, stumble across my blog while looking for comic book midget amputee vore porn.  No seriously, thanks for reading.  I love you guys.  And here's a cool pic of the Flash I found.

I don't know who the artist is but it's really kick ass but I can definetly tell you it's not mine cause I can't draw to save my brothers life (R.I.P. Jake).  But nonetheless, an awesome drawing.

Just to show Marvel and DC can get along and I can walk in both worlds.
Yes I know that's Kyle and not Hal. 

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