Friday, September 17, 2010

Profiles in Villiany: Chtylok, the Che-k'n Kau

Size isn't an issue.  However choice is

You remember that show Cow and Chicken?  Imagine if they mated and had a child, and don't ask me which one would be bitch and which one would be butch because this is mind boggling enough, and after being exposed to Cosmic Kryptonian Gamma Radiation it grows to 25 feet in length and can fly and eats dinosaurs for sustinence.  I know it sounds like William Shatner in his later age but I'm talking about Chtyl...I'm just going to call it Cowkin since it's a damn cow mixed with a chicken. 

Fosters Farm poultry is always 100% natural with no added hormones or steroids

So this thing apparently comes from the Savage Land and was worshipped by as a god by the locals with good measure too cause anything as ugly as sin as this thing has to be worshipped or a tourist attraction.  On top of that it's got 100 class strength which is around Hulk level power plus it can fly around and attack you with it's beak, hooves and talons.  If that's not bad enough this thing is fucking armed with a damned spiked tail.  It's like my greatest creation if I were six years old. 

Cowkin basically is monster of the week that was used like 3 times and most of those times it fought Spider-Man.  Yea...Spider-Man.  Plus it had to also fight the Hulk and Ka-Zar.  Now it hasn't come back since and with good damn reason because big ass monsters are hard to use in comics.  Don't believe me?  How often do you see fucking Galactus?  I don't see Fin Fang Foom appear that often (aside from the racist name popping up.  Even with an Asian chracter like this we still lose in comics).  I mean yes they are awesome and Chy...Chicken/Cow would be awesome except for the fact that it's too fucking hard to write in as a story.  I think the only time you'll ever see this thing come out again is in a Pet Avengers book and even that's a long shot. 

The legendary Esquilax, a horse with the head of a rabbit
 and the BODY of a rabbit!
Grant it, the thing looks pretty impressive unil you learn what the fuck the parts of the whole are, a cow and a chicken.  It doens't sound that impressive.  And they couldn't fucking combine any two other animals?  ANY OTHER TWO!?  You have the entire animalia kingdom filled with tasty and dangerous critters and they choose the two biggest meat sources.  Any two animals.  Sharkapillar.  SabertoothBison.  Raptiger (Raptor Tiger, NOT a rappin tiger), ElectricstingingJellycelledMonkeycrab.  Anything would be better then this. An Esquilax would be more fearsome....

 Hell call it an Eaglebull.  Anything but chicken cow.  Hell it's in the damn name:

Che-K'n Kau. 

The sad thing is that I WANT to like the character.  I just can't find any place for a fictional cryptozooligical animal in this modern world.  I even think Mulder would pass on this case on the X-Files. 

Yes.  A monkey with a gun is more entertaining then a giant chicken cow

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