Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Return of the Mole People 2: Revenge of the Dove Church

Me: You know what I just realized?
Carl: What?
Me: Where do the miners poop?
Carl: Well they just dig holes in the ground and poop in the ground.
Me: But it's going to take 4 months before they can pull them out.  I don't know how much room they have down there.
Carl: That's a good point. 
Me: I can imagine after a month all the spots have to be filled.  Every hole they dig already has poop in it.  After three months it'll be a poop mine field.  It'll be worse then a white trash dog park.
Carl: Well, I'm sure they probably thought of something to take care of that problem.
Me: The Mole people would not be pleased.
Carl: Wouldn't the Mole People just poop anywhere also?
Me: Possibly.  Little is known about mole civilization or plumbing.  I think they may use it as there currency
Carl: That'd be a terrible wallet.  At least the stock market would never crash. 
Me: Mole People are resourceful like that.  They like to recycle everything. 
Carl: That has to be horribly bad for the miners then to be around the Mole People
Me: Not to mention unsanitary since they are bringing them food.  I'd make sure they wash their grubby little paws or hands or whatever they have. 
Carl: Well they got some ventilation.  They got a mine shaft.
Me: said shaft.  Shut yo mouth!  He's a complicated man.  And the Mole People love him like a brother.  John Shaft.   You damn right. 
Carl: So why is it taking so long to get them out?  Are the Mole People getting in the way?
Me: Possibly.  Don't underestimate Mole People.  They are sneaky.
Aye Carumuba!!
Carl: Why isn't this bigger news?
Me: Because the Quaran haters need to take up space. 
Carl: They just want attention. 
Me: Yea.  There's no point in burning the books except pissing them off.  If that's the case then Muslims should be allowed to burn the bible and if we're lucky that's all they'll do because those guys don't do anything half way if you get my drift.  Run run.  Boom boom. 
Carl: Yea.  It's just a terrible idea.  General Petraus is asking that the people do not.  Clinton is asking them not to.  They're like the Westboro Baptist Church.
Me: Can't condemn people for the extreme views of one select group of people.  That's like hating the X-Men for it's current crappy run. 
Carl: Current crappy run?  Have you read the recent books? 
Me: I take it back then.  Plus they misspelled Quran.  Not the X-Men but the people of the church.  They spelled it with a K.
Carl: You can spell it that way but the Q is more tradtional. 
Me: Like saying "eye-ran" when it's "ee-ran"  I before E except after C. 
Carl: Maybe the Mole People can settle this. 
Me: I hope not.  They settle everything through sex and violence.
Carl:  I thought they were benevolent.
Me: They are but only up until a point.  Luckily I'm ready for them.

Artist Rendition of World War M.  The M is for Moles

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