And I fell back into it now by randomly picking up a wrestling game at Gamestop. And now I'm all into it again. I mean not really watching it so much but more playing the game. But things have changed and most of these guys have retired and/or become actors and I hardly recognize most of these guys. Through the game I got re-acquainted with them all. And then I came across the girl wrestlers. It's kinda empowering since they aren't just arm candy but they actually do all the stuff that guys do, however under the chant of "take it off." Well one step forward, kinda. So the names aren't just gimmicky any more but people are just mostly using their real names, which is just lame since it isn't really cool to be known as your real name. Then I came across one name "Michelle McCool."
That had to be a fake last name. I mean McCool, a very cool sounding last name but something you might find from an 80's action movie or a Snoopy comic. And although she is a beauty, (Michelle perdy....) the made up last name is just too much. Well at least that was until I looked her up on Google and lo and behold her last name really is MCCOOL! OMG!

So not only is this woman amazingly in sexy amazon athletic shape (not the buff amazon shape which are female body builders and that's not sexy to me), with girl next door approachable aura but her last name is McCool, and it's real! Plus reading more about her, she's just this friendly athletic girl who's kinda like one of the guys. So to Michelle McCool, don't change your last name if you get married. Make some hybrid last name or just keep your last name but just don't lose that name. It's a part of the appeal. 

she wouldn't even have to change her last name: if i married her, then i would change my last name to hers. as a matter of fact, i'm going to go outside... to stalk... Michelle McCool.