Friday, November 14, 2008

The Taste of Things

One of the best afterwork out things to have it chocolate milk. It’s chocolate. It’s milk. And everyone loves chocolate except for those weirdos who are vanilla or strawberry milk fans. They will be dealt with eventually and you guys can’t hide. Getting back to my story, my workout last night left me semi satisfied as I searched for a bottle of chocolate milk at CVS late at night. But sadly they were out of chocolate milk (fucking vanilla lovers. I know it was vanilla lover’s cause they had plenty of strawberry milk bottles left over.) but they did have bottles of chocolate syrup. (Take that you non chocolate fans!) So I got the bottle and brought it home and made my self a tall glass of chocolate milk. However I had one slight epiphany. I love Honey Combs cereal. I love chocolate. What if I combined those two things?

Now at this point I was quite tempted to act upon this new idea I had but my previous culinary attempts have been…interesting and bold. Like the time I made my infamous Cinnamon Chicken Breast. It smelled like cinnamon buns. It had the protein and health of chicken and then it had the rich full bodied taste of tingly, tingly coal. I ate it though. But next was my cinnamon flavored peanut butter (I have a lot of damn cinnamon in my house) which turned out great. Especially with that peanut butter from Trader Joes which is all pastey and goes great with apples. Maybe the folley of my cooking is that it’s all cinnamon based.

So after a light dusting of cereal into my chocolate milk, the initial hypothesis was good. It was really good. So I finished off the cereal bits and went to a bolder step and drizzled some honey into my milk and mixed it in. And it was drinking the chocolate milk of the gods. It had the sweetness of honey and the richness of chocolate. It was an orgy in my mouth and only pretty people were invited. So I realized I may have a market for this new found desert concoction and maybe even starting my own line of honey chocolate. Or honey centered chocolate. It’s good yet bad for you and you can’t resist it. I mean who can deny a piece of honey chocolate, well other then those vanilla/strawberry people.

So I began my research on the internet and less then 0.5 seconds of typing honey chocolate in google, my dreams of a darkly sweet empire were dashed as I saw the recipe for honey chocolate brownies at the top of the screen. Needless to say, it all seemed such a good idea.

However then I thought about how vast the human experience is. I mean all those people, including myself at times have said: No one knows how I feel. And if you think about it, it’s an arrogant statement to make. It’s as if you’re saying that in the entire history of human existence, no one has ever thought or felt the way you’ve ever felt. I understand it’s a part of feeling isolated from the world and learning to connect to others. But in general if I ever say things like that, I just want to pull my head out of my ass. Anyway, here’s the recipe for the Honey Chocolate Brownies.


HONEY CHOCOLATE BROWNIES (2000 Huron County Fair Blue Ribbon Winner) 1 cup softened butter

½ tsp. Salt

1 ½ cups honey

1 cup flour 3 eggs beaten

1 cup chopped walnuts

1 tsp. Vanilla

1/3 cup Hershey’s cocoa

Beat the butter with mixer until creamy. Slowly add honey, mixing constantly. Add the eggs, vanilla and salt. Add the cocoa. Add the flour. Add the nuts. Make sure it is mixed completely. Pour batter into greased 9x13x2 inch. deep pan and bake at 350* for 30 to 35 minutes.

Maybe it’d be better if I could work cinnamon in it somehow

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