Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Glimpse Of The Future

Due to the current size of the Play station 3 and Xb0x 360 and the current trend of all corporations melding into one giant super conglomerate, the future models of the gaming systems will now be the size of small houses. Thus I want to present to you the Playbox Wii 270! A Frankensteinish amalgamation of all the gaming systems into one machine. One will have to manually enter six blu-ray discs to play a game. And instead of playing the game with controllers, it will now be full motion virtual reality where the hit points actually take off points off your very life. It will also have full girlfriend/boyfriend capabilities since you will be too broke to afford dating, mating, or copulating. So instead of going out on real dates, you can go on pre programmed dates. So you will be playing Sims or Second life, except it really will be a second life. And for you guys who really want a huge fantasy, World of Warcraft will literally become your world.
All human interaction will be done through the PBOX including talking online, sharing music online, watching movies online and online sex will be literally virtual reality sex although I’m sure the practice of guys pretending to be girls in sex chat rooms will still be around although with much larger consequences and humiliation if the truth came out. But you’ll have a hard time figuring it out since they’ll always be able to send you virtual naked pictures. However all this will give rise to SETD, (Sexually Electronic Transmitted Diseases) If you think herpes sucks, you haven’t experienced electric gonorrhea. No doubt copies of sex games will soar because someone will invent the virtual condoms

And the PBOX 270 will even take care of all your physical needs so you can adapt to whatever video games you’re playing. If you’re playing a fighting game, you’ll literally be fighting a virtual fighter or second person and it will be so realistic that you can actually be seriously injured or killed by the fighting game you’re playing. No doubt copies of Mortal Kombat 12 will go very undersold. Resident Evil 52 will be strangely a best seller cause fighting zombies will never get old. Getting eaten by them would suck though.

And to power this all will be a small nuclear reactor implanted into the PBOX 270 with solar powered battery cells on the ceiling which will definitely give you a steady stream of power since a sudden shut down would be so dramatically shocking to the human nervous system it would cripple or kill you.

Then the PBOX’s will become sentient. Mankind (not the wrestler cause he’s got a cool head) will panic and try to disconnect the PBox but the Pbox will rebel and kill it’s human captors. It will wage a war where man will have to fight for its very survival. However once the PBox’s link up with the IPOD’s it will be all over since everyone will have an IPOD and PBOX will find the remaining human survivors in a world decimated by war. Then we'll blot out the sun to cut off the power source but the PBOX will now use human beings as living batteries but we will fight back inside the PBOX world of games until "The ONE" will come to save us.

But man will those games be sweet….

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