Saturday, September 18, 2010

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Official Hellcats drinking game:  Take a shot everytime
you see a mid-drift.
Alright so the new season of TV is in swing and that I'm all in cause I need to watch something while I write or workout or whatever (whatever doesn't always mean look for porn...I mean...the keyword is always).  Usually to feed my superhero fetish I of course watch Smallville and of course the amazingly awesome Supenatural.  So here comes my surprise when I stumbled onto my Friday timeslot to find a bunch of blonde cheerleaders instead.  Normally I'd be happy to see such things but I was expecting some kind of story line.  However I stayed with Hellcats mostly because I couldn't find the remote so I decided that I could zone out most of it and sneak peaks at some hard bodied and nubile young cheerleaders.  That sounds alot like high school except I'm not under the bleachers or holding a trombone (and yes there is a dirty joke in there). 

So as I kept watching, Hellcats actually wasn't too bad at all.  The writing isn't exactly Aaron Sorkin but this IS a show about cheerleaders and yes it's kinda like Bring It On the TV show but with a some miscasting.  Let me get to that but not before looking at this.....

Edgy outsiders always choose
Paul Frank

So Hellcats follows Marti (Alyson Michalka...yea I know.  I wanna call her Milk of Magnesia), a too cool for school yet brilliant smart outsider who's a pre law college girl from the wrong side of town because she wears all black.  That's how you can spot outsiders in TV black.  Sometimes they ARE black.  Now being from the wrong side of the tracks means that you gotta have fucked up parents and Marti's mom really fucked up since she lost her scholarship so Marti is forced to use her early gymnastic training to replace an injured cheerleader since cheerleaders get full rides at this school.  There she makes various friends, one being the surprisingly non-bitchy captain Savannah Monroe (Ashley Tisdale who's really nubile as a brunette) and the rest as they live together and eat together and do it all together in a porno setup without the actual porn occuring. 

Is it like Bring It On?  Yes.  I mean if fucking has dizzy Tissydale who was in like Bring It On 12 and who played a cheerleader in ten other movies.  Plus we got Milk of Magnesia in it who I'm sure did some kind of high school cheerleader movie stuff as well. But as for the rest of the cast you got Gail O'Grady playing a fuckup parent who means well instead of a cop or something on NYPD Blue (anyone still remember that show) and others who I can't remember and don't want to IMDB.  Michalka however I feel is a bit miscast or misdirected.  Since she's supposed to be the harder edged Eliza Dushku character but doesn't have the edge that Dushku brings.  She's Dushku light since there's not as much intensity.  Tisdale does play the sweet, petite, overly neat peppy cheer captain but there are some minor moment of drama where she does excel at such as the second episode in which we find out her parents disowned her for not going to the family college.  But again it's at CW, pre teen level which she's played alot.  But I do see some promise in Tisdale's acting ability and think if she transitioned to more adult roles she'd begin to really grow.  Milk of Magnesia however is at a bit of a impasse where she seems ready for the more adult harder roles but still needs time to play in the high school dramedy place to build up her chops. 

Jailbaity but 100% less illegal

However both are really hot.  I mean if you think there's just navel gazing with bare belly's then you're going to get mounds of that like mana from the heavens, and what sweet mana it is.  So you got that much eye candy and it's in spades.  The cast is descent.  I don't see any breakout stars but it seems like they all know their roles and fill them.  The biggest level of chemistry is between President Robin Palmer (DB Woodslide from Buffy and 24) who plays the team doctor Derrick Altman and Vanessa Lodge played by Sharon Neal.  If you're good enough at TV trivia then you should have no problems deciphering the above sentence. 

So all I can say is that it's a CW show.  Not a bad one but it seems that the CW is going back to the old WB Buffy/Dawsons Creek teen arena.  I mean it seems to be what works and did give us a good show in the short lived Reaper and Smallville.  So Hellcats does have some potential in the female audience and a male one since there are a ton of hot girls prancing nubiley around.  The lighting isn't terrible but I think the shows still trying to find it's footing so the style of the show isn't set yet.  But the one thing I have to say that it seems the premise is going to wear thin after about episode 4 but I'm waiting and seeing so far.  So it's guilty pleasure.  Sue me.  The dance choreography is pretty cool with lots of work you can tell going into the authenticity of the cheerleading. 

Again, not a terrible show but not a great one either since the scenes are about Disney channel level but slightly older and more risque.  It's not bad as a guilty pleasure but the plots are beginning to wear a bit thin so here's to hoping that it can do something interesting and soon.  Tom Welling, the actor who plays Clark Kent/Stuporman in Smallville is an executive producer with his finely chisled face and abs.  And I'm sure if the show survives, he'll do some directing and possibly a guest spot so we can see him mixing it up with the nuile young dressed cheerleaders and their slightly hookerish uniforms as the new cool kid who transfered from rich cool kid high.

Tom Welling Guest as the kid who wears long sleeve
shirts with short sleeve shits with long sleeve shirts.

So go check out Hellcats before it hits DVD's and you miss those personally tailored hot uniforms.

Overall: 3/5

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