So go check her out at:

Yes that is a sword but it doens't mean she's happy to see you.
So go see Cristina and check out part 1
Now for:
The Cute.

But before I start I have to not cuss since children maybe reading this portion or even say anything inappropriate so I have get saying: Purple headed cocksucking son of a bitch. Goddamn skunk fucker asshole. OR Anal party down with the chance of a donkey punch. OR Alligator fuckhousing OR damn. Ok. It’s out of my system at least for now.

If anyone likes dressing up it’s burlesque dancers. But also kids love to cosplay as well. You’ll see usually a couple of kids at comic con in their cute outfits either running around, excited to be dressed up as their favorite character, pretending to fight evil, or commit it. OR you’ll see them crying and being led around, dressed up like their parents in costume which makes them turn out like I did as a kid
So do the rules of Cosplay apply to kids? Not really. Cause the little buggers are so cute that it’s impossible to look bad. Unless the kid is ugly.

Classic example. Kid has on PJ’s basically. Now if I wore one piece PJ’s then I would be laughed out of IHOP while which led to that fight and 50 hours of community service (lousy crappy IHOP with delicious pancakes. I swear vengeance). But the kid is so cute that you just exchange his ignorance for excitement and bask in the cuteness and the apparent cheap laziness of his flocking parents.

I don’t know if this was Cos-Play or the kid was just passing by. Either way good costume or darned Asians who can't find there way around town.

Cool costume? You bet. Uncomfortable girl? Big ol check. Throwing the helmet in a fit of rage while she does not want to be dressed up at a comic con that her parents are dragging her to because they need to experience there psychotic love of Voltron by fracking subjugating it upon their daughter which causes years of therapy and violent hatred of cats and multicolored objects which makes her go bat pooey in Ikea? Yea. But I can’t imagine why you’d make this thing because the kids gonna grow out of it in like six seconds and bust out of it like a shirt worn by the Hulk. Gosh darned lint licking parents

Random Hot Ariel. What? She's a Disney princess. The kids like her. And she's hot. It fits perfectly.
Hey!!! I’m also following the rules to my own cosplay portion blog by not cussin. Yay!

Also…make sure it’s a costume your kids want to wear. When he said he wanted to be Boba Fett I don’t think this is what the kid meant.

I really hope there isn’t a kid in that Kirby. Or at least that Kirby just ate the kid and spit him out.

Now I just want to give them candy. Wait not that way. I mean in a Halloween get off my lawn way.

Mildly disturbing but prattlin Pitfall Harry is he just adorable. Now someone get this kid away from me before he bites me knee caps off or spears me in my junk. Damn cootie queened kid with his sharp objects's like Chewbacca had sex with a white woman and this abortion against God and all the holy angels.

This is also just another awesome costume. Plus you got the whole hand cannon thing which looks great.

Hit girl wants cookies!!! Even though she can't even say the name of the comic she's dressed as out loud or she'll get a time out.
Oh hell…just go awwww already and look at these.

Now don’t go too far and dress up your kid if they don’t want to or dress them up in a costume they hate. And for GODSAKE, don’t put make up on them unless they want it. It’s cosplay. Not Toddlers and Tiaras you crazy fuuuu...flugtaging carosel riders!!

And I’m glad I can cuss now because this is just creepy and angerful to my eyes. I just know they won't end up like me when I was a kid...

Which also brings me to:
The Bad:
YES!!! Something to take my anger out on and scar the rest of you. Double win!

Awww…lookie at Sad pot bellied Sinestro. Cower in fear at his depressive outlook and addiction to cookies!!! He just looks more like a sad elf. I almost can’t pick on this costume but too bad for him it’s an almost. Sinestro here has got a lot of great points except the yellow doesn’t inspire fear but cowardice. I think that’s why he’s so depressed and binging on yellow cookies (or Danish’s). And it’s not been kind to his gut. I’d like to see him fight skinny hal Jordan in an eating contest.

Check out Wolverine in his adolescent rage. He could’ve at least found a costume that fit a bit better. It’s like he’s wearing a Magnum but he’s not a Magnum sized guy. I guess that’s why he makes up for it with a fearsome look on his face. He’s the best at what he does and what he does is look constipated. And he’s ready for all challengers to the title of Wolverine!! First opponent, this guy!!

Random hot Ariel!!!

I have not idea what this is or how it came to being. Good lord. The sad thing is that he doesn’t know it’s comic con. Or even that they have indoor plumbing. It also looks like he’s dressed as an anime character which affirms my belief that anime fans have a higher percentage ratio of weird people that mask their insanity with eccentric harajuku type outfits. I gotta say he’s very limber for a fat guy though.

You know…usually I like creative and dark but this is just in bad taste. Also, I have to question if those bruises are real since I don’t know any girl who’d like to cos play a sexual assault victim. It’s just wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. Like watching a puppy thrown into a wood chipper or Tucker Carlson. Come on woman!! He’s shorter then you by like a foot!! How menacing is it to be threatened by Radar from Mash?

There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s all that’s right with the world. I’m not sure if it’s comic related but I don’t care. I just needed to wash the taste out of my mouth for this upcoming pic

Oh god! It’s like the corpse of Chris Farley ate the corpse of John Candy and possessed that kid Chunk from the Goonies who was eaten by fat Austin Powers. Looking at this creates so many philosophical questions: Why is he dressed that way? What is he supposed to be? Is this even from a comic or anime con? Although the censor bar is kinda small I have to note

This needed a double dose of hotness to wash that taste out of your mouth. At least dress up as something relevant. Gah….and clothed if you aren’t in shape. Or a dude.

Whatever you do….don’t ask him what time it is. DO NOT ASK HIM WHAT TIME IT IS.

And I have no idea what she is dressed as or what is in her hand. My guess would be Samus from Metroid without the suit but that wouldn’t explain that weird grabby thing in her hand. No doubt my perveted mind thinks it’s a sexual device. Hopefully a good sexual device or a ass scratcher.

RANDOMHOTARIELRANDOMHOTARIELRANDOMHOTARIELRANDOMHOT...Move out of the way Cinderella you damn silly slipper bitch!

Ok…tip of the day. If you want to Cosplay robots or robotic suits, be prepared to spend good money.

Batman has his backup trash Batman. Iron Man has his paper Iron Man, mainly because he sold his armor for scotch. Scotchy scotch scotch.

Bitches love War Machine. And for good reason because if you paid the money for the costume, you must have some money for other shit too.

Tip 2 about robot cosplay
The more shinier it is, the better it looks.

Bad Samus

Better Samus

Best Samus
So rule of thumb? If you can’t afford it, just don’t do it.
I do have this as an alternative:

This ain’t too bad if not for the tiny tiny luger next to the satellite dish he uses as a shield. How the hell can you even throw that thing? Did you rip it off a fucking hubcap off a monster truck? You would need a cybernetic arm to hold up that thing.
Here's another tip: You can never fuck up a Star Wars costume.
Technically you can but you got the Storm Trooper option which looks cool OR a Jedi since you’re basically dressed in a bathrobe.

Someone’s gunna get popped
Oh and I did find a bad Sailor Moon.

I’m sure she is a nice person who has an ugly stick growing out of her face
The Weird
Now cosplay has got it share of weirdos. Actually comics and animes are a haven for weirdos not surprisingly. But comic con, like the night, brings out the freaks. And not the good ones.

Umm…I think he probably got this idea from a fan fic which ain’t too bad But it’s still no less weird.

She feels the power of the dark side…of the month. I think she’s got some cramps about her right now it looks like which means she’s probably choking out every male Imperial Officer she can get her hands on. But nothing can beat…

Hello Kitty Vader!! I have no idea why someone would create such a thing. “Luke. I am your father.” Luke: “Are…are you sure? Tell me who my mother is.” Vader: “Well…you see you didn’t exactly had a mother….”I take back what I said about not fucking up Star Wars

You think a fat guy would do Mojo which would actually look pretty cool with the right makeup but this ain’t too bad either. Why is it weird? Well….why would someone want to do Mojo? That’s just weird.

TIP: Just don’t cosplay animals. It gets weirder and weirder after awhile. Keep it light…like this guys sister who wore the same outfit

No matter which way it goes, bad or good, it just falls into furry territory. Not the good furry territory at all.

You know….he does fill out the costume nicely. He’s got the legs for it. But Cosplay isn't the time for your cross dressing fetish


This is Vash from Trigun Maximum which is the black and white manga….get it? Black and white manga…yea. It’s just weird to me too since the guy took time to color his FACE and hair grey so he looks like a damn zombie. Hmm…better shoot him to be sure.

I still can’t think of a perverted fish joke here. Someone help me.



AH!! KIL…oh wait…it’s just Ron Jeremy. This is ok. Sadly though it’s a downer since this is what Mario would probably look in real life. Imagine if you’re the princess and you’re saved by this guy who by the looks of it, is ready to come rape you. Bowser might be more preferable because I'm pretty sure he's got a trouser snake that's gonna lay some pipe. Come can I not make plumbing sex joke with hedgehog here.

Whoa. I guess he’s happy to see….everybody.

He could’ve at least painted himself silver. I do wonder if I took a blow dryer to him if he’ll pop pop corn out of his body now. Wait…that’s not even a real surfboard. It’s a damn body board. He lame would that be if you say a guy on a silver body board coming in. This is not majestic. This is the opposite of majestic. It’s like being pulled over by a bike cop.

Is it me or did Trunks suddenly get hot? I hope to God that’s a chick because what can be seen cannot be unseen unless you have that machine that causes drain bammage.

Whether or not this is a good or bad Futurama costume, we all still lose. I just hope he didn’t go really authentic because the real Zap Brannaga wears a thong.

Again...not that kind of convention

…oh yea…I’ll remember

And yes…I’ve turned that into a sexual double entendre. Show you my twelfth level mage….heh heh…..ew…I just creeped myself out.

I get that it’s V for Vendetta in that scene where he’s cooking breakfast but seriously dude, stop being so Asian and get a damn prop of a frying pan. Scared the shit out of me if someone came to breakfast like that. In fact…I HAVE come to breakfast to someone cooking eggy in a basket in a Guy Fawkes mask. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

Random hot Ariel…doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue like random hot Rikku but it does it’s job.
Cospool: The art/science/insanity of cosplaying Deadpool
So now that our beloved Merc with a mouth has now become a public staple of the Marvel universe, there is no doubt more Deadpool cosplayers then Stormtroopers at comic con. Yes I’d like to see them fight but for now I’d like to size up the Deadpool mania in cosplay form.

Alrighty…this ain’t bad since well he’s actually got muscles. Painted on muscles but muscles which makes him look slightly less insane then me in the Iron Man getup. Oh crap…no one knew that was me. But like the rule with tights, you gotta be able to recognize that unless you got the body, you’re gonna look funky. Also your junk is quite visible but a true Deadpool cosplayer does not fear such a thing…he INVITES IT!!!!

I don’t know if it’s an optical illusion since his head is so weird and massive or the guns are so damn small. Come on man!! What kind of Deadpool fan would use such small guns? Go all Liefeld on it and get some big ass guns!!!

You know….in my home country, a man could be shot for a lot less then dressing up like this. Heavens to Betsy. If it wasn’t for the bagginess of the outfit that makes him look like Widdle Wade then I’d have thrown a fit by now. I wonder if I can feed him Pez or a mushroom which would make him grow.
Ah…the cream of the crop

Hey now. And she’s actually accurate in the way she’s dressed right down to the gun.

See? Awesome. Notice all the details and such but the most important question on everyones mind is: “Is she hot?”

Holy Asthmatic Alice!!! I’ve become emotionally erect. In case you didn’t know, her name is Tallest Silver. I don’t know if that’s a real name but it sounds like a strippers and that’s all I need to know. She’s a regular cosplayer at these things and she’s kinda nutty. Whether its in the bad or good way is remained to be seen but she’s a lot of fun you know that for sure now.

Merc with something in her…what? Oh…..hi guys. Well anyway this nearly wraps up our cosplay crap. I hope you all learned some valuable lessons here. Now I have to go and uh…um…take care of something with these pics and….just go’way.
BUT!!!! Check out Cristina Vee first
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