I have a question if you wouldn't mind answering.
1) PS3 or XBOX 360?
2) What do you think of the new Superman/Batman movie?
3) Since you like Halo, can you review Halo Wars? I don't know if I want it yet.
Thank you. I like your blog.
Frank Tucker
Alberta, Canada
But before I start, you win the award for the inability to count properly since that is not one question but three and are currently in the running for the proof locker award, which is the award for the lack of a proof reader. Onto the question
1) Post Scrotumatium level 3 is not a joking manner. I don't know why you would want such a disease in which your scrotum tries to eat itself so I'd have to say XBOX 360. It's got the Halo series which is a plus and much better online capabilities. Sure it's not as fancy as the other systems but it has a variety of better games.
2) Weee wooo!!! You exposed my new upcoming review as soon as I can get it on DVD or bootlegged from another source through Vietnamese bootleggers. Hopefully those guys will forget that I tried to screw them out of paying for TMNT 3. Those little guys are some angry little fuckers. I guess they haven't forgot about that whole war thing.
3) It's not CAN I review Halo Wars. I can and will and do it better in bed ladies*! And it's a Bungie game. I don't think they've ever put out a bad game....ever. So yea. So look for the review in a couple of weeks. And good luck on your self eating testicles. Poor fella. It's like two pitbulls wrestling in a canvas sack over a bone.
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What happens when you get PS3 |
Hey Puddin B's
Thanks for the blog and I just wanted to say that I'd really like to say that you're awesome. Please publish my letter and pick me to be showcased. I promise to be your best reader and friend. Muah
Holla at cha girl
Karissa Lee
Hmm...a female blog reader. Well Karissa all you gotta to is hook me up with a naked sexy video of yours doing something with pudding and you're right as rain for getting put on the site.
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Something like this is also acceptable |
Hi Pudding Bordello or Michael or whatever strange lyrical apparatus you call yourself you ghost in my machine.
I wanted to write in say that I really like your blog and it's really fun to read and I feel that I've found a kindred brother to share my brew with. And not sharing in a way to drown you but in a way to drink after we drown someone else. Anyway I request humbly a review of the great and mighty Del Taco Macho Beef Burrito. Prove that your are a man of men and that you can conquer such a mighty mighty food source of meat. Quench tha bloodlust and tell us that you survive and what it tastes like. If you don't have a Del Taco, do a Sonic Frito Chili Pie.
Also thanks for the workout tips. Give me a tip about getting bigger. Thanks.
Evan Joliet
Los Angeles, California
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This is my reason for being the mess I am Evan. You're worse then I am and I don't want to know why. |
Geez. Can't I just ever get nice normal readers just like that Alexis Diller girl's blog or The MEP site? Now you win the crazier then me award. But here you are and although you're scaring the living daylights out of me and turning it into night, I'm glad your wrote in few believer into this piece of the net. Yea...I got Del Tacos where I'm at and can do a review of the Macho Combo Burrito and prove my manliness to you by sticking a giant white phallic food object into my mouth and cramming it down as much as I can into my maw. However I may forget since I am busy with other things going on in my life so I'll try to get to it as soon as possible. And Sonic's are rarer then Del Taco's. Why must you torture me by giving me obscure food sources? I live in the city. Not the damn woods. Stop making it hard for me and try to kill me with model lingerie bowl players instead of a massive coronary where the plasma in my blood turns to solid and wreeks of delicious delicious greasy meat. We got a Sonic though so we shall see what I can get. If you care that much...click on banner ads and help get me paid so that I can continue to provide you with quality edutainment and borderline drivel for free. It's really costing you nothing. Just a mouse click. Or else I have to resort to selling out to subliminal advertising
Alright...those are about all the lette....ahh...time I mean I have for letters. So remember if you need anything reviewed....
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i've got a crazy urge for a Camel, for some reason.