Friday, August 13, 2010

Back In The Mud Again

Alright. After a long time off just Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool and shootin some b-ball outside after school, I have come back to working out at my former intensity. The reason was that I had a good injury on my neck, which ran down my left peck and my left foot.

So my left side was just focked. Focked good. However it was also a nice time to have my body heal up not only from the injury but also from the workout regime I had been doing. My point really is that your body needs rest especially if you want results. Muscles don’t grown when you work out. All you really do is just damage them. They grow most when you rest. In fact you actually burn more calories sleeping rather then just staying still. Now it does not mean coma patients are fucking healthy, unless they entered insulin shock from my pie or die system. My problem? Partly wasn’t enough good quality sleep (not quantity) but also keeping up a too high a pace. Like I said before, the P90X system is great but it crams a lot of stuff in an hour. Great if you’re short on time but I really suggest slowing down and spacing it out the speed you do and the time you allow yourself to do it in. Now again it all depends on the type of person you are since some people are ok with 7 hours, others with 5 hours of sleep, but better to err on the side of caution.

The other thing to do is to remember to do quality of movement instead of quantity. Do it slow and proper instead of fast and sloppy…

But another interesting development came I discovered as well that I’m going to try out in the fitness category. I came across this article:

Which was perfect since I was looking for a way to add more muscle since I have no money towards more weights…and laugh if you will but them shits are crazy expensive and the gym is high in cost as well. I mean I got more results at home rather than at the gym. Nothing wrong with it but it just works for me since I can do a bunch of routines for a long period of time without being bothered. So I’m combing the P90X with this new system of lifting and pushing until muscle failure, which I try to do anyway but now I’m more dedicated to doing it.

And just so you know, taking the week off from working out isn’t bad. A week from routine can really repair your body and help your body lose some of that pesky muscle memory so it can be torn back up again.

So check out for the future posts to see how things are going for me and if I got any results. Or I’m horribly injured. Either way rest up, work hard and tune in back here, same Mike time, same Mike channel

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