Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blind Date Terminology

Great Personality=Fulgy
Really funny=Horse face killer
Just got out of a relationship=Crazy
No longer talking to ex=Ex is dead. They killed them. Lock your doors
Homebody=Ungodly fat
You guys would get along so well=Gonna injure you during sex. Possibly freak out
Really shy=Freak but possibly crazy. Scratch possibly and go with definetly.
Single for awhile=Broke and crazy
Inbetween jobs=Broke and crazy
Just graduated=Broke and crazy
Good with money=Broke and crazy
Has high ambition…=…to stalk and kill you
We go way back=Friend setting you up is trying to kill you and make your life hell. Ditch friend and run
Owns own business=Hooker
Has dated around and can’t find the right person=Venerial disease(s). Caution
We always have a great time together…=…hiding bodies. Will call friend to help dispose of you…beware
They are so hot= A) If friend is of the opposite sex saying this, you have to wonder why they didn’t go for this person themselves if they are so hot. B) LIAR! LIAARR!!! PANTS ON FFFIIIRREEE!!!!!
Works in computers=OH you better be damn sure they’re fugly.
Great with kids/animals. Loves them=HAS NO FRIENDS!!!
Over 30=Nuttier then mixed nuts. And that’s pretty nutty
Republican=Conservative and crazy
Democrat=Liberal and crazy
Hippie=Just plain dirty and you betcha smelly

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! how pessimistic can you get? lol. you turned all the positive attributes into psychopathic qualities. and many of the abovementioned qualities pertain to me... and according to your list up there, i'm ugly, crazy, broke, ungodly fat and have no friends. -.-++
