Monday, August 2, 2010

Crisis in hindsight

I have to say....this isn't a through review of Final Crisis cause it's late but I will try to put one up and believe me, it will be a doozy

I just finished reading Final Crisis. I only have one thing to say


You're welcome Bats

It's literally a project so big and so ambitious with a ton of nods to so many tiny obscure moments in DC comics history that you're head will explode and then implode. Sometimes I feel like I missed a page. But it turns out Morrison just wrote it in a weird way that it's almost non-linear. If you sit and think about it, Final Crisis can be an interesting view on time, space, good, evil. It's like having a conversation about life, but you're having it with someone who is high on crack. Like how Batman dies but then is restored at the beginning of time since Dark Seid become a black hole temporarily when he died, thus rending time and warping it in such a way that when it was restored, he was restored but at the beginning of time with Anthro, another DC charcter.

And even the concept of death and role reversal. But Morrison kinda missed the mark a bit on this. Seven Soldiers was ambitious and combined little used characters and gave them their own personal back stories leading up to the formation of the new Seven Soldiers.

Here....Morrison just went nuts. And not like Alan Moore nuts where he writes really good stuff but complicated. And not like Frank Miller stuff where he just writes ridiculous. But somewhere inbetween cause it's good ideas but with the execution fumbling virgin on prom night. Or if that's too literal an analogy for ya, think of Morrison as a contracter who's going to install a new sink, but then decides to demolish half your house and adds a room full of killer bees and then decides to protect his creation by adding a trench.

But if you want a good Final Crisis story, read Rogues Revenge. Thats actually pretty good.

"Sob! Look what he did to our universe!"
" eyes are up here"

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