Friday, August 20, 2010

Don't I know you from someplace else?

With the rash comic movies coming out, more and more actors are lining up for parts in hopes to play their favo heroes. The geek is chic now and everyone lining up for the roles like a buffet next to a Curves and the sight of it is redonkey kong!!! We’s got quality actors wanting to win awards and be a part of the next Dark Knight. But not everything has the Christopher Nolan touch and that it’s going to turn out that way. And not everything has the perfect quality actor charm. Take for example this!

Sorry Hoff. No hut for you now get back to sobriety land and stay there. I don’t want to see you messily eating a cheeseburger again unless it’s an ad for an In-N-Out double double. The thing is we got a new trend brewing and I’m not sure if it’s a lack of quality actors or just comic book geek turned actors. I’m talking about Chris Evans here who just nabbed the role of Captain America and is doing his darndest not to fuck him up. Now I like Chris Evans and I wanna see what he can do. Sure he’s got that all American boy look about him and he played blonde before with Johnny Storm but it was more like he’s playing blonde like Tila Tequila plays blonde, or stable, or not trampy. Besides, it’s not like Cap’s really THAT particular a character. In fact he’s almost like a manila envelope against a tan background. He’s supposed to inspire awe I get that but I think being wrapped up in a damn flag as a muscle bound warrior can do that to anyone.
Chris has got some acting chops I’d say and yes I said it and he’s not a stranger to comic book movies at all. In fact he’s done like 4 comic movies. He was Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four. Then did the voice as Casey Jones in TMNT. Then was Jensen in the Losers. Then Lucas Lee in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. So he’s not a stranger to the page. Yea…I said the page in reference to comics. Just watch. It’ll catch on.
And he’s not the only actor to do so.
Brandon Routh in Superman and Scott Pilgrim. Jeffery Dean Morgan in Watchmen and The Losers. Tommy Lee Jones in Batman Forever and Captain America but probably one of the most notable guys to do it is……

Ryan. First Hannibal King in Blade Trinity. Our dear Deadpool in X-Men Origins. Then Hal Jordan in Green Lantern.

It’s either these guys are immensely talented, they’re intimidating casting directors through force, or everyone else just REALLY sucks. ORRRR, it’s the fanboys who just want to see one actor over and over again….naww scratch dat (scratchy scratch). Mighty Ronald McDonald!! Whatever happened to the franchise player? RDJ has at least enough sense to stay with Tony Stark and no one else can really play him quite as well. I mean he is good enough to play ALL the Avengers and the Justice League but he wants to stick to some loyalty or continuity or sense of pride. At this pace with all the actors playing multiple roles and the advent of technology, the Avengers movie is going to look like this.

This is almost as bad as a positive ethnic movies where you see every B-list actor popping up in that ethnic group.

It’s like a Marvel comics is running Hollywood. If you don’t get that reference, then you are not as cool as you think. You’re like grandma cool. Not GOLDEN GIRLS COOL but grandma can’t hear cool and that’s not cool. Let’s take a look at Marvels team affiliations and cameos for it’s characters:

(Titles he shows up in)
New Avengers
Wolverine Origins
Wolverine: Weapon X
Astonishing X-men
X-Men Noir

(Titles he shows up in)
Deadpool Corps
Doom War
Cameo in Wolverine titiles
Cable and Deadpool
Deadpool: Merc with a mouth

(Titles...well you get the idea)
Hawkeye and Mockingbird
New Avengers

(Do I even need to write this?)
Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man Noir
New Avengers

Luke Cage
(Seriosuly if you haven't gotten it by now then are problems within you)
New Avengers

Moon Knight
Moon Knight
Secret Avengers

This is just a taste. I mean Wolverine and Spider-Man must have like great agents at William Morris. I mean seriously?!?!?!?!? How many fucking titles are they going to come up in? This is like 24 logic where Jack Bauer can get from point A to point B in Los Angeles in a matter of minutes while having no need for sleep, food, ammunition, or going to the bathroom in a 24 hour period. And Deadpool…yea..I ranted on that already but AGAIN!!!! REVENGE!!!!!

WHO AT MARVEL DECIDED IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO WHORE GUYS OUT!?!?!? I MEAN WE GOT MARVEL DIVAS, MARVEL ZOMBIES 1 THROUGH 5!!! WHY NOT JUST HAVE MARVEL WHORES!!!?? Yes kids. You can now watch your favorite characters become shameless enterprising and money grubbing whores, shelling themselves to crappy writers and less crappier art in waterdowned versions of themselves to appeal to the masses. It’s like the biography of Kim Kardashian but with drawings and funny costumes! Actually….never mind about the funny costumes cause Kim has some outfits that rival Snookie on the jersey shore. Ass wise and dress wise. Not looks wise. I haven’t even named all the characters popping up in multiple titles because my face would melt like a Nazi opening the Ark of the covenant.

What the hell was I talking about again? OH yes..actors. So…good luck to Chris Evans. I actually like him as Cap and look forward to seeing him. Just hope Hollywood does choose different actors to fill the comic book roles.

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