I’ve “talked” over text. That means I say: “Hey.” “Where are you?” “Can I have your burrito?” “Is it normal for your mom to hit on me?” “Is it mine?” “Sorry about your face” “Send me naked pictures”: And those are things I can just say over a short period of time and during moments where I want to text. And then people get butthurt over fucking not being texted back sometimes. I’m a guy! Just call me. It’ll be easier. And what texting etiquette and rules are out there? When can you stop texting?!
And imagine important international affairs done by texting between world leaders
Obama: So Kim. I thought you were cool. I talked to Iran and they said they were willing to trade. And now you’re not? WTF?
Kim: ALOL. Don’t be a n00b. I am a L33T in this bitch. AZN ride till I die. BLNT.
Obama: SYY. I believe in T+ and we can work thizzzz out. EOD its about the n ukes. Besides an FOF said that you were HOC. EOD. If you didn’t have hostages you would be a WOMBAT
KIM: WOMBAT!? F U. WYLEI you will be toa ted. EOD?! You have bombs? I have bombs. HDN. Now!
Obama: EOD=End of discussion. Not bomb shit. Be cool. >.< I let you TEABAG me at SC2. We good for Halo 3 2nite?
KIM: Yeas. But this aznboi and turn down econ WCU.
Obama: When…wife in bed and it’s late. Hit Biden or Hil. Econ on DOW is sliding. Hit Cheney on UT.
THAT TOOK ME TEN MINUTES TO TYPE OUT!!! Do you know what I could’ve done in those ten minutes?! Microwave a meal. Make love AND war! Look at porn. Buy porn. Make porn. Mix food AND porn. And that shit is just ridiculous. All important matter conducted over text? It took me longer to look up the terms on texting and I have to say I understand better the downfall of the English language since kids are just typing out letters which are supposed to mean things. UKWIM=You know what I mean? And if you call people, they just don’t pick up or call back. They text. For what reason? No reason. You don’t have the minutes to talk? Skype. Or turn down the texting minutes and up your cell minutes. Plus you have a ton of evidence on your ass. Texting isn’t only the downfall of American spelling and language, it’s also the downfall of cheating men and women. What happened to the good ol days where you had to just record peoples voices like Mel Gibsons girlfriend. PLUS! You can sell so said tape for cash money!! And give that money to me! Now excuse me as I communicate to people over Facebook. TTYL!!!! >.> <.< >.< <.> FML LMFAOFR

Wanna know what Obama and Kim Jung Ill said? Well now you can waste your time and life decoding this kids!!!
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