Friday, August 20, 2010

Food Review: The Most Important Meal To Start Clogging Your Heart To

So acouple of weeks ago I was helping a friend move….at seven in the goddamn morning on a Sunday….yea….so I tried to get to bed and naturally I couldn’t and I worked on an hour of sleep and a protein shake I had acouple of hours before I had to get up and go.
Now usually it’s enough to tide me over but I always follow one rule, the golden rule I learned on film sets:

If you can’t get enough sleep, get enough to eat. If you can’t get enough to eat, get enough sleep

It’s worked well for me over the years which explains why it took me so long to get in proper shape because sleep is for the weak!!!

So we pulled over to Del Taco for their delightful breakfast choices. Me being that I needed more food on less sleep, opted for as light a breakfast as I can…or in this case…as light in lard and oil as I can. It tastes good but I work like crap because the fuel I got ain’t exactly premium, meaning the food I eat doesn’t exactly make me run at peak performance. Anyway, I ordered ONE breakfast burrito and a Breakfast Biscuit sandwich.
First the burrito.'s like alien autopsy.
Now I’ve tasted a many fine breakfast burrito before. However the fast food burritos have much to be desired when in breakfast mode. Just can’t seem to make that transformation without a problem or two. This one is no exception since this one is mostly egg and cheese and some sauce and man you can taste it since liquefied cheese, egg sweat and mild sauce just pour into your mouth at the first bite if it’s hot off the grill. I don’t have anything wrong with the wetness (that’s what she said) but the problem is that it’s wetness from egg sweat and fucking cheese drink. Luckily the chewy flour tortilla was there to offer a chewy texture to the taste and helped to offset he liquid core thing. Now which overpowered the others in flavor? It was the egg (which I don’t think came before the chicken but did come before the cheese and red sauce). The flavor did get more balanced out as you chowed down towards the fat ass end of the burrito because more of the stuff was at the bottom end of it due to the wrapping. Surprisingly I didn’t hit a well of liquid cheese because that’d be kinda too much to suck out a cup of cheese when I wanted some good old fashioned egg. Of course cheese drunk would be an interesting feeling, probably like a heart attack. I will say it wasn’t too bad in taste but needed more sauce because the egg was a bit too plain and the cheese was too hot to taste.
As for the nutritional information on this little burrito that could, it is not too bad calorie wise. It clocks in at 250 calories but the sodium (520mg) and the cholesterol (160mg) and saturated fat (6 grams) were pretty high. But the thing is that it doesn’t surprise me since the thing hemmorages cheese like a geyser. If it had more red sauce then it’d be more like blood, which would be scary but would really be kinda cool. It also has 10 grams of protein which is good but not worth the trade off and has 99 calories of fat and is more carb happy then Atkins going nuts. That’s half the damn thing!! So again it’s like a little hand grenade. A heart attack in a fist wrapped in a tortilla with a cheesy center. Is it gonna help you lose weight?
Good for health?
Lost your damn mind?

So you can visit the land off egg and cheese but make it a short trip. Don’t stay too long.
2 out of 5

Next up was the Biscuit Breakfast sandwich. It’s a new item at Del Taco but it looked fairly promising. You got two options of heart attack avenue: Bacon and Sausage. I choose sausage since it’s the longer way around to heart attack way. Grant it not by a lot but inches make a difference (that’s what she said). So it also comes with one thing that every breakfast item comes with when you pay for it a restaurant of any sort: eggs. Yes..more eggs.
So I unwrapped this bad boy and decided to give it a shake and boy shucks howdy, it wasn’t too bad. The biscuit was actually a biscuit. Not the McGriddle or flabby bread top of biscuit at McDonalds but it was a fucking biscuit. I mean it tasted like one and crumbled like on in my mouth and kinda reminded me of the old school Jimmy Dean way. But the thing was that the biscuit overpowered the rest of the flavors of the sandwich so it was a bit thick one can say. It was more like a sopping biscuit used to sop up gravy or any other liquid besides gravy. I myself prefer Gatorade. Not really but tomato basil ain’t bad. If the biscuit was a bit thinner then it’d give a better balance to the whole thing taste wise cause at first bite it was like trying to eat a pillow made of biscuit. And like every red blooded guy, I put ketchup on it which explains blood being red. That helped the taste out more. And again at the end of it all, it was the biscuit that won out in the taste bud battle but that’s not a bad thing because it crumbles nicely, giving way the flavor of egg and sausage.

I said egg and sausage. Not egg and cinnamon.
As for calorie wise, there comes the tradeoff. 570 calories and 340 of those are fat. Then we got 35 grams of carbs and 20 of protein. Total fat is 38 but saturated fat comes in at 19 grams. Now it’s really another hand grenade in a biscuit now. But was it worth it?
Calorie wise is no
Weight loss or management: Nope
Good for health: Absolutely not.

3 out of 5. It does taste pretty good.

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