I’m paraphrasing because I took a pic with my camera phone and forgot to save it because a call came in….thanks mom. But it’s the gist of it trust me and man outside of the hotness of Lil Big Kim, I was incensed.

Yes heartbreaks suck sphincter and are worse than a fat chick on steroids or Yoda on crack, but you live through them.

Ladies? You want to get a man? You want to get married and a kid? STOP STRESSING OUT ABOUT IT!!! You freaking out, makes us freak out worse. I mean to be married to a woman that freaks out? AHHH!! Again with my Yoda on crack analogy.

Woman: “I’m holding this pussy hostage!! If you don’t meet my demands, the panties stay on!!! This pussy is shut!!”
Negotiator: “So what are your demands?”
Woman: “I want a man, who has to make 45K at least a year. Tall. Into puppies!! And Us Weekly. He has to be into opening doors for me ALL the time. Funny…but not too funny. And Christian…not Baptist or Muslim”
Negotiator: “What kind of humor? And how about 35K with a promise of a raise in a year? And define tall. Also…how’s about Jewish Catholic?”
Look, everyone has preferences and that’s the keyword, preferences, not so many damn dealbreakers. So what if he isn’t tall enough for you, or he’s black instead of white, makes less then you. Look at the guys heart and soul.

And for Kim Kardashian…I doubt her life is SOOOO fucking terrible. I mean to be rich, over 30, single, hot and beautiful and have a job doing really….nothing but look pretty….that’s like the American dream really! Come on! And to be unhappy about THAT!? That’s like Yoda on crack. For God’s sake, headlines like these just fucking warp the country worse, like Yoda on crack. Women, you are more beautiful then you guys know most of the time and don’t need a man to feel complete
Another mind blowing headline:
The Bachelorette: Marco’s true confessions.
He calls other women “hot”
Says that he wouldn’t marry a girl like her.
Flirts with other girls
Only in it for the fame
How dare you sully and tar the name of the good producers at ABC who pre picked several people with good looking faces and make them compete for love of a woman they never really met and only have known for a month and some change and in front of a group of television cameras for the entertainment and money and fame all while making a holy vow with a girl who had her tongue down six other guys before you in a row? How. Dare. You.
He calls other women hot? That’s a crime? I mean that’s EVERY man who’s in a relationship of any kind. That’s any man in general. I know married guys who say it TO their wives in a way that is a cheap and noble attempt at getting a three some going on. The good type of three some I might add. If that’s grounds for a villain then sign us up for the Legion of Doom.
So give us a bit o a break ladies. And no more Yoda with crack acting

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