Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome to the Power of Josh

Hurt? Injured? GOt an injury you're too embaressed about? In need of medical help? Well don’t look at me. If anything I probably caused or helped to cause those injuries. But fear not, the Movement Enhancement Project is on the way. And it’s here. What is the MEP? It’s a state of the art, up to date blog by Joshua Turner (AKA POWERMAN AKA AKIDO JAY) who is an expert at physical therapy and movement. He’s actually helped me in the past with some of my injuries and shucks howdy has he done a fine job. And that’s just over the phone. Imagine what he can do for you when you’re in person. That’s right, I’m talking to you ladies. The Movement Enhancement Project covers will cover everything and Josh himself will take care of those nagging injury questions. The MEP will also have updates on the coolest, hottest and sexiest physical therapy updates to help you keep up with your healthy lifestyle.

And on top of being a physical therapist, he’s also a unique individual who is one hell of an American and has an encyclopedic knowledge of Simpsons quotes and trivia stuck in his head which rivals mine. We have yet to have the trivia showdown due to circumstances of laziness but check out the Movement Enhancement Project. It’ll change your life. And unlike this WILL help your sex life

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