Monday, August 23, 2010

Great Moment in Asian History: Bruce Lee beats up another white man and kills him

Another Great Moment In Asian History is when one of the most famous Asian’s in history, Bruce Lee, beat up a white man and killed him. But it wasn’t just any old white man…this time it was the King of the white people himself, CHUCK NORRIS.

It was the blistering summer of 1972. To make good ties with whites over beating up so many of them, Bruce Lee opened up communications over with Chuck Norris. As king of the white people, Chuck Norris commanded bitches and all white trade and determined their ways of life. So they met at an undisclosed location under the banner of peace and olive branch of love.

Things went well enough but quickly went sour on the topic of facial hair. Bruce Lee believed facial hair to be a pinnacle of achievement while Chuck was still fuzzy on the topic, believing that body hair was the way to go. Then it quickly dissolved into a fight. Ass backwards, sweat soaked, they kept at it for several days with neither gaining the advantage. Both warriors were battle weary but refused to quit. But things turned around quickly when Bruce got a tuft of Chuck’s chest hair and ripped it out, blowing the little pubes of the chest away to the ground. Visibly shaken and a bit weakened since Chuck Norris gained his marvelous strength from his chest hair, Lee capitalized on this and began to beat Chuck until he was a hamburger. In one last ditch effort with broken bones and body, he charged at Bruce but Bruce got him in a guillotine headlock and broke his neck. Saddened because then Bruce realized that Chuck was his ride, he lay his body down carefully and had to walk back to the hotel which was a block away.
However that was not the end since Bruce laid Chucks face on the facial hair he ripped out, which bonded to his face and grew quickly, returning strength, vitality and life to Chuck Norris in a glorious Highlanderish light. He swore vengeance on Bruce but decided that the facial hair was a good thing and let it be.

This is another Great Moment In Asian History. Cause pimpin ain't easy

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